Bed Room Bar in Eastwood City, Libis has always made me curious. You could supposedly eat, party, dance, drink and whatever there. They supposedly have comfortable couches/sofas where you and your friends could sit on and roll around in and party the night away. One night some friends and I decided to go there. To relax, enjoy and have some fun.
We wanted to get a table upstairs because the area below was really small and full of drunk people already. We were told that the 2nd floor was not yet that occupied and so we went up. When we got there, this waiter kept on bugging us to just stay downstairs because the air-con on the 2nd floor was supposedly broken. We decided to stay in the 2nd floor nevertheless. Turns out, the aircon was not broken. As we took our seats, I was grossed out by how sticky and dirty the couches were. To think I was wearing a skirt that night! I really really could not for the life of me, bare to come in contact with the seats!! As I looked around, I noticed that there were pink and blue curtains that divided the tables from one another. Again, to my utter disbelief, the curtains were 'butas-butas'!!!!! And not small holes ha, big fat ass holes!!!!!! As big as my fists!!!
We were shy to walk away and so we decided to at least get a drink and maybe a dessert then go elsewhere. Since I had vowed to stop drinking alcohol, I got a mocktail instead and a kahlua creme brulee. We were forced to get the kahlua creme brulee because even though they had about 15 dessert choices, that was the only one available. They were really starting to tick me off.
While waiting for our order, the chef! the chef no less, started mopping the floors right in front of us!!! Hello!!!?!?! How more gross and dispicable could you get!!!!
A few minutes later, the server got back to me and said that they couldn't make my mocktail because they had run out of ice cream. Ok. Fine. Just the dessert then. When it came, oh my, when it came, I knew right away that is was going to be gross and horid. Yuck. We took a bite (a small teaspoon bite) each and refused to touch it further. It was really gross! I can't even begin to describe the taste!! I shudder thinking about the taste! So we asked for the bill and got ready to leave (finally). After we had paid the bill, I suddenly realized I was thirsty and so I asked for a glass of tap water since I didn't want to have another transaction with them and have to pay for bottled water. The server told me that their tap water was not advisable to be drunk because it was contaminated. Um, hello???? I don't know if he was just being lazy or something but if that's the case well then I hope they prepare their food using mineral water!
A really horrible and unspeakable experience! But we love to relive just to get a few good laughs from it. Wouldn't you?
kawawa naman kayo.....sobra
i know wy its madumi ang mga couch at 2nd floor because they are not using it i thnk on weekdays, beacuse my frends and i hangs out there always and we love the place so much,during weekdays custy are not allowed to go upstairs during weekdays since 1st floor maybe stil has tables and chairs, well its up to you, 1 thing im sure is we always had a good time at beedroom, try to experience it first, y not?
some customers tends to be exxagerated ayways, when my tropa were there,we enjoyed the night,
Ateneo Glee club
my friends were here nung friday, bad service talaga sha.... iced tea nga lang ioorder namin, wala na daw iced tea.iba na lang...sooobra naman ito.....
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