The Prestige is the third act of any magic trick, with the first and second acts
being the Pledge and the Turn.
I actually liked the movie although many people didn't because they were confused about what really happened. I admit the sequence of events was quite confusing and so one would really have to give 100% of his attention to understand what happened. I think the actors performed well. It was interesting that they loosely based the story on history (Nickolai Tesla and Thomas Edison) My fave was Michael Caine however, he was able to portray his character with definite depth and calmness. I like movies like this. They make me think. Scarlett Johansson also did well, and I loved her makeup and costumes. They really were flawless. Finally, I think that the storyline was new and unique. I've never seen a movie touch on competing magicians before. This movie deserves more credit than it is given.
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