I love this show so much! Not only because its hosted by my favorite Heidi Klum but also becasue they have really great and unique challenges. In the first season, my favorite was Kara Saun. She was consistently good and original throughout all the challenges. I also really loved her collection for the fashion show. It still bothers me that she didn't end up winning. I think there was a shoe issue... Am I right? I also liked the feel of Austin Scarlett's clothes. I liked his flare and the way his clothes were so flowy and dramatic. I'd have to agree though that most of his closthes looked closely similar....Maybe he wasn't ready yet....On the other hand, I hate Wendy Pepper sooo much. She was vile, a user and backstabber. She reminded me of the antagonist in 101Dalmatians.....
In the second season, I had a lot of faves namely, Nick Verreos, Chloe Dao and Daniel Vosovic. My ultimate fave however would have to be Chloe Dao. Again she was consistent and really understood the clothes she was making and more importantly she understood a woman's body.
i also like this show! can't wait for the ending of the second season! heidi is very beautiful even though she is very pregnant! haha =) i find her accent very cute too!
i was able to finish the second season several months ago because it was showing on the travel & living channel. i think they're going to start showwing season 3 sometime soon.
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