My thoughts on food, restaus, makeup, fashion, books, movies, photography, events and everything else that interests me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Goodies n' Sweets

I've been hearing about this place for a long time. Supposedly, their Mango Fantasia is the bestseller, but of the four times I've been there (at the GH and Podium branches), it was always not available. Maybe it's been discountinued? I don't know really. But the longer I wait, the more interested I'm becoming...

*We're not ordered all at the same time*

Apple Pie with Buttercream Sauce (Php 125)
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I honestly think this is the best apple pie I've tasted so far. It has a really great crumble, a graham crust and the apples are so huge you don't have to 'look' for them in the pie. The buttercream sauce, though I knew were so bad for me, was a real great complement to the apple pie.

Triple Treat (Php 90)
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Nothing special. I honestly think that Red Ribbon's Chocolate Mousse which we all know and love is way way better. It supposedly is a chcolate cake topped with choco and mocha mousse with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

Banofee Pie (Php 105)
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I think Starbuck's Banoffee Pie tastes and looks much better. It has a graham crust filled with chocolate ganoche and toffeee layered with sliced fresh bananas and topped with whipped cream.

Lemon Meringue (Php 105)
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It was okay. The lemon was really sour which was great but I didn't like the kind of icing they used on the cake. Maybe they HAD to use that kind of icing to make it stand up like that.


Anonymous said...

Try out their Tiramisu - it's one of my favorites!

cici said...

okay. i will. thanks. have u tried the mango fantasia? is it really that 'good'?