My thoughts on food, restaus, makeup, fashion, books, movies, photography, events and everything else that interests me. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pyro Olympics

I wasn't able to watch all of them, I was however able to watch: 
USA vs. Spain- wherein I think USA did a much better job
Denmark vs. Canada- where Canada just really brought the house down!!
China and Phils (exhibition only)-China's was amazing, Philippines was 90 minutes delayed from their supposed starting time. Ours was great too, many of the fireworks were unique and I'm quite sure I didn't see any of them in the other countries that I saw. Ours was also more colorful and had much much muuuuch more smoke, so we weren't really able to take great pictures. Speaking of which, although I have about a thousand pyro olympics pictures ot go through, I can't post any of them here because I'll be using them for a competition..... And I'm kinda selfish about them for security reasons. We also had the best synchronization and arrangement of fireworks amongst all those that I was able to see. And there I was thinking we might come up with roman candles and fountains only.haha....I must say we did a good job! And it was definitley worth the wait. It was really traffic though, got home at about 330am. Of the 3 times I went there, this was the worst. There were about 3x more people on jan 13 than there was on jan12.

Overall, I think China will be winning the Pyro Olympics. Maybe next time, we can join too. :) 

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