Phad Thai-The noodles were over-boiled. If I may be so brave, I think they were even the kind that have been boiled over and over ready for use for when an serving is ordered. The peanuts were coarsely chopped and mixed into the dish for hopes of a peanuty taste but alas to no avail. What made this worse was that there were mung sprouts (monggo sprouts/togue) in the dish as well as tofu that seemed to have been reheated since from forever!!!!!
Phad Thai
Crispy Catfish and Mango Salad-Horror of horrors. I was used to the catfish salad in Siam Taste and so I was, as a matter of speaking, horrified when I saw that a catfish head and tail was served to me under piles and piled of pickled green mango. My immediate reaction was to give away my order! But after some digging done by my friend, we discovered that it was after all flaked and pieced. But again. Horror of horrors! The catfish was not crispy at all. It was swimming in the juices of the pickled mango. It was hard to chew and was very very soggy. A very unappealing thought and unpleasant experience.
Crispy Catfish and Mango Salad
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