Quaint movie. I found it to be okay. I'm naturally interested in movies about people from the past
(i.e. Marie Antoinette) who affect society today. I must say that Sienna Miller looks so much alike with
Edie Sedgewick. Guy Pearce perfectly portrayed the Andy Warhol I had imagined (since I've never
seen him on t.v. or anything). Now I understand why it was called Factory Girl. Hayden Christensen did very badly. Very bad acting for me. And why was he credited as "Folk Singer" at the end?
Wardrobe for this movie was so over the top! Haha.... Leggings, tunics
and dangling earrings!!! And of course there's that much talked (and publicized) sex scene. hehehe.
This movie passed my expectations, but then again I wasn't expecting that much from it anyway.
At least, I wasn't bored with it.
Btw, I thought Mary Kate Olsen was supposed to be here?! I didn't see her anywhere. I suppose she
was there somewhere though because she was credited as a 'Molly Spence' at the end....hmm...
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